I’ve worked with thousands of people over the last decade and many people gone on to create remarkable businesses, often completely unlike anything out there (which is always a delight for me). But many others do a short course like the 30 Day Challenge, make amazing progress, but then lose momentum shortly after it ends. Life just gets in the way – and before they know it, 6 months or even a year has gone by and they realise they have done nothing to progress their business ideas. That’s why I’ve spent many hours of thinking and discussion over the last few months on how to create something that moves you into the group that keeps momentum, creates something amazing, and has a real impact both on the world and on your own life. What I’ve finally come up with is IMPACT180 impact180-logo

Make an impact

If you’re reading this, I know you are capable of having a real and positive impact on the world. That means launching something that you love doing, that people are hungry for, and that you can make a real income out of. I know because I’ve helped dozens of clients do this in my high end Mentorship and Mastermind programmes. But not everyone can afford the pricepoint of several thousand pounds to join those. That’s where IMPACT180 comes in.

Who it’s for

IMPACT180 is for you if…

  • You’re ready to get serious about making something happen and put the effort in to do so
  • You don’t want some BS promise of a paint-by-numbers business that is supposed to magically work despite everyone else on the course creating exactly the same thing (and therefore being your competitor)
  • You want to create something that has zero competition because it’s unique to you
  • You want to be held accountable to getting stuff done – and get expert input to make sure you’re doing the right thing in the right way
  • You’re willing to act quickly (there are just ten places available now at a very special price)

What is IMPACT180?

What excites me in my work is helping people like you come alive and create things you never thought you were capable of. That means creating really exciting one-of-a-kind businesses that have a positive impact on the world. And it means projects that have a big impact on you as well – bringing you to life, giving you self-expression, and having a beneficial financial impact on you too. So we have a much bigger focus on IMPACT180 on the specifics of marketing and monetisation – and giving you a chance to get your particular questions answered for your business idea.

How does it work?

The programme runs for 180 days (i.e. 6 months) – from December to end of May. That’s enough time for you to do your own complete ‘180’ – from workerbot to entrepreneur. IMPACT180 combines inspiration, accountability, and expert input:

1. I’ll help you get your irresistible business idea nailed

You and I have will have a private laser-coaching call to get clear what business idea will really pay off for you. If you have an idea already, we’ll supercharge it to make it irresistible to buyers. And if you have several to choose from, I’ll tell you which one is really going to fly and be worth putting your energy into.

2. Inspirational special guest every month

Every month we will have a special guest high-impact entrepreneur to share what they’ve learned in creating a successful one-of-a-kind business with a positive impact. And you’ll get to be live on the call to ask your own questions. Shonette Bason To give you a taster, we already have the amazing & hilarious Shonette Bason, founder of SpreadTheHappiness which brings happiness training into schools and runs the national Spread The Happiness award. Shonette will show you how to run a successful mission-led business, how to use your natural personality to your advantage & she’ll reveal how she built traction quickly using her award programme. Anthony Chadwick We also have the lovely Anthony Chadwick, a vet who went on to start a revolution (and a 7-figure business) educating vets using online webinars. Now Anthony is developing his first Virtual Reality apps with Microsoft to allow vets to learn in a 3D immersive experience. 2017 is going to be the year that VR hits the mass market and it’s about to change everything. Anthony has recently co-authored his first book, “The Webinar Revolution” and will share his experiences of that process to.

3. Get your most important question answered directly by me every month

Each month we have a ‘Burning Question’ session. Post the #1 thing you need to know and I’ll answer your question live on video. That means we can keep you heading in the right direction every single month. You can even post your question in advance if you’re not free at the time I do the live video feed.

4. Get your website/email/lead magnet copy reviewed in the monthly Copy Critique

Every month we’ll have a Copy Critique session. Post one page of your site (or a marketing email/brochure/product title) and I’ll give you my review by video of your promotional text for it – often including exact wording you can write down and use. That means you always have input on getting the marketing spin right for everything you do – which makes the difference between zero sales and a runaway success!

5. Get the accountability you need to keep going with weekly checkins

In IMPACT180 we’re going to have a really simple weekly checkin process you can do in 2 minutes. That means you build the weekly habit of commitments with support to keep you on track. (We run the community and checkins in a private Facebook group to make it easy to drop into and get the latest news.)


Join IMPACT180 and you’ll also get access to all the tutorials and business clinics from the Screw Work Break Free 30 Day Challenge 2016 to watch at your leisure. AND I’ll give you the recordings from the Screw Work Break Free Launchpad earlier this year – a series of in-depth sessions covering the 5 Steps to quickly transform your idea into a revenue producing business. And IMPACT180 comesm with thousands of pounds in vouchers that you can use against the cost of upgrading to my higher level Mastermind and Mentorship programmes if you want direct personal mentoring from me every single month.



Yes, that’s right. After five months of turning you into an Impact Entrepreneur, you then get the full 30 Day Challenge (most recently priced at £297) completely free of charge to get something amazing out into the world.

How much is IMPACT180?

There is nothing quite like IMPACT180 on the market, but I’ve seen some programs charge £3000 to £6,000 with frankly less interaction or useful content. So what is the value of IMPACT180 for you as a beginning entrepreneur? How much should I charge? I wanted to make sure that EVERYONE who feels that IMPACT180 is right for them can easily afford it, so I priced aggressively at below a grand – £997 to be precise.

However I’ve decided to do something very different for just ten highly motivated people. If you’re willing to take action to make something happen for real, I am releasing just ten places at almost half that price – that means you can join right now by paying 3 instalments of just £169 inc VAT.

This remarkable offer includes the one-to-one idea review with me, a place on the May 30 Day Challenge for FREE, access to live hot-seat sessions with high-impact entrepreneurs, monthly ‘Burning Question’ sessions, monthly copy critiques, weekly checkins, a remarkable community and more! Just don’t hang around 🙂


Or… pay in one instalment and save a further £10